This one was way simple and so cute! Start by parting the hair on either side. Part about two inches back and then to the back of the ear on each side. Take the rest of the hair and pull it back out of the way. Make a second part next to the first to make a box. Take that piece of hair and make a rope braid. Make another part and do it again. Make sure they are start in different spots so they are next to eachother and not over lapping.
I just had my little girl hold the twist while I made the second. Then slick the hair down on both sides and add the twist to the one side. Take the hair from the "headband" and bring it together at the base of her neck and secure with an elastic.
I added a brown dahlia on a clip from I LOVED this one. It would be cute to pull the rest of the hair up or curl it or something too, but I loved it just down and long. It was super windy outside and she was in a goofy mood...that explains the pictures! haha
I love this one easy but very very cute!!! I love your daughters face in this one she's so like you it's unreal!!!